Australia Awards Cambodia
Postgraduate learning opportunities for
Cambodia’s current and emerging leaders
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A huge thank you to our departing Australia Awards Scholarships ambassadors for Intake 2025, and a big welcome to our new Australia Awards Scholarships ambassadors for Intake 2026!
Please join us in extending our gratitude to Hun Sinuon and Chan Seyha, our outgoing ambassadors, and welcoming Sok Monirattana and Seng Moonpanha as our new ambassadors for Intake 2026.
Through sharing their knowledge and experience, our AAS Ambassadors help to open doors for their fellow Cambodians who are interested in studying in Australia with an Australia Awards Scholarship.
Being an AAS ambassador offers recently returned alumni the opportunity to enhance their profile in Cambodia, build networks including with the Australian Embassy Phnom Penh and Australia Awards Cambodia, and strengthen valuable communication skills and experience working with the public.
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